Reena Ninan, missed her first Mother's Day while reporting from Iraq. Her hotel got car bombed and an entire wall of her hotel room disappeared. What did she do? “I did what any woman would do in this situation: grab my eyeliner,” and then she went live. It was her first ever broadcast.
Reena Ninan is a correspondent for CBS News and an anchor for CBSN. She was previously a reporter for Fox News where she reported from Egypt, India, Lebanon, Iraq, Libya and Israel. She covered the trial of Saddam Hussein in Iraq and reported on the rise of Al Qaeda in the Maghreb from Morocco. Her work abroad also earned her notice from Glamour magazine, which included her in a "Women on the Front Lines" story.
Produced by Nicole Corbett, Carolyn Rush, and Lela Feldmeier
Edited by Nicholas Quazzy Heard